Design Studio

Design Studio Course Conenet :
- 1. Login to design Studio
- 2. Navigate and Interface
- 3. Create an application
- 4. Add a Data Source to an Application
- 5. Edit the initial View of a Data Source
- 6. Add an Analytic Component to an application.
- 7. Set up a Analytic Component as a Filter
- 8. Set up a Basic Component as a Filter
- 9. Display Static and Dynamic text in an Application.
- 10. Add an image to an Application.
- 11. If / Then / Else statment
- 12. Add a Dimension Filter to an Application.
- 13. Add a Filter Panel to an Application.
- 14. Load Data in a Script
- 15. Add a Hyperlink to an Application.
- 16. Connect to Universe Datasources.
- 17. Trigger Multiple actions in a Script
- 18. Set uoa cascading Filter in an Application.
- 19. Define the properties for a chart in an Application.
- 20. Calculate a value using Local and Global Script Variable.
- 21. Search and Find references to a component in an Application.
- 22. Select multiple components in design mode.
- 23. Bookmark an Analysis application.
- 24. Activate a Hierarchy for a data source.
- 25. Apply a member filter to a data source.
- 36. Apply a background filter to a Data Source.
- 27. Copy a data source in an Application.
- 28. Export data from cross tab to Excel.
- 29. start in SAP HANA mode.
- 30. Start in SAP Netweaver mode.
- 31. Apply a grid layput in an applcation.
- 32. Add a Popoup window to a Application.
- 33. Align and hide components in an Application.
- 34. use CSS to modify a component in an applcation.
- 35. Enhance Chart apperance with additional Properties.
- 36. Set up Display properties to a Cross tab.
- 37. Apply Conditional Formating on charts.
- 38. Modify Chart Properites with scripting.
- 39. Use QR code scanning to display an Application on an iPad.
- 40. Connect to BW datasources
- 41. Upload a local Application to the BI Platform.
- 42. Performance tips
- 43. Best Practices.
- 44. Responsive Design.
- 45. Translation of Application.