
ANDROID Course Content
- a. Introduction to Android
- b. Android Development Environment
- c. Hello World
- d. Supporting Multiple Devices
- e. Android Virtual Device
- f. DVM / ADB / DDMS
Introduction to Building Blocks
- a. Building Blocks of android application (Activity / Services / Broadcast receiver / Content Provider)
- b. Fragments / Notifications
- c. Activity Life Cycle
- d. Building UI / Widgets dynamic and static way (Layouts / Custom Layouts / Views / Widgets )
Build tool Tools / Styles / Themes:
- a. Gradle Build tool in details
- b. Backward compatibility by support libraries
- c. Internationalization of application
- d. Styling UI Elements
- e. Applying Themes
- f. Handling different Sizes of devices
Building UI fragments to UI elements :
- a. Fragments Lifecycle
- b. Dynamic UI using fragments
- c. Custom dialog fragments
- d. Tool Bar / AppBar Layout / Floating Action Button
- e. View Pager / Sliding Tabs
- f. Recycler view / Card view
Shared Pref/Location API/Permissions:
- a. Share Preference
- b. Handlers / Aysnc Tasks
- c. Location Manager / Geo Coding
- d. User Permission handling permission in M
- e. Maps with in application
External SDK / Services:
- a. Hands on With Youtube SDK
- b. Hands on with Facebook SDK
- c. Service & Lifecycle
- d. Bind Service / AIDL
Media / Receiver / JSON:
- a. Explore Media Player
- b. Broadcast Receiver
- c. Introduction to JSON
- d. Using GSON Library
Material Theme / Notifications :
- a. Introduction to material design
- b. Hands on with material theme
- c. List Cards / View Shadows
- d. Animations / Drawables
- e. Notifications
Network / Sqlite / ContentProvier :
- a. Hands on with Retrofit Library
- b. Sqlite Database
- c. CRUD Operations using sqlite db
- d. Writing ContentProvide
ORM lib / Oauth / TODO App:
- a. Introduction to ORMlite
- b. TODO List Application
- c. Login with Facebook
- d. Develop UI
- e. Add / Delete / Update todo list
GCM / Firebase :
- a. Firebase introduction
- b. Storage using firebase
- c. Crashes / Analytics from Firebase
- d. Google Cloud Messaging
Weather Application :
- a. Hands on With Weather API
- b. Writing Rest client for Weather API
- c. Creating Weather Widgets