C Sharp tutorial for beginners

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Free DotNet Basic Videos
- Text | Slides | Dot Net Program Execution
- Text | Slides | ILDASM and ILASM
- Text | Slides | Strong naming an assembly
- Text | Slides | GAC
- Text | Slides | How .NET finds the assemblies
- Text | Slides | DLL Hell
- Text | Slides | DLL Hell solution
Free C# Video Tutorials
- Text | Slides | Introduction
- Text | Slides | Reading and writing to a console
- Text | Slides | Built-in data types
- Text | Slides | String data type
- Text | Slides | Operators
- Text | Slides | Nullable Types
- Text | Slides | Datatype conversions
- Text | Slides | Arrays
- Text | Slides | Comments
- Text | Slides | If statement
- Text | Slides | Switch statement
- Text | Slides | Switch continued
- Text | Slides | While loop
- Text | Slides | Do while loop
- Text | Slides | For & foreach loop
- Text | Slides | Methods
- Text | Slides | Method parameters
- Text | Slides | Namespaces
- Text | Slides | Class - Introduction
- Text | Slides | Static & Instance members
- Text | Slides | Inheritance
- Text | Slides | Method hiding
- Text | Slides | Polymorphism
- Text | Slides | Method overriding Vs hiding
- Text | Slides | Method overloading
- Text | Slides | Why Properties
- Text | Slides | Properties
- Text | Slides | Structs
- Text | Slides | Classes Vs Structs
- Text | Slides | Interfaces
- Text | Slides | Explicit interface implementation
- Text | Slides | Abstract Classes
- Text | Slides | Abstract Classes Vs Interfaces
- Text | Slides | Diamond Problem
- Text | Slides | Multiple inheritance
- Text | Slides | Delegates
- Text | Slides | Delegates Example - I
- Text | Slides | Delegates Example - II
- Text | Slides | Multicast Delegates
- Text | Slides | Exception Handling
- Text | Slides | Inner Exceptions
- Text | Slides | Custom Exceptions
- Text | Slides | Exception Handling Abuse
- Text | Slides | Preventing Exception Handling Abuse
- Text | Slides | Why Enums
- Text | Slides | Enums Example
- Text | Slides | Enums Concepts
- Text | Slides | Types v/s Type Members
- Text | Slides | Access Modifiers - Private, Public and Protected
- Text | Slides | Access Modifiers - Internal and Protected Internal
- Text | Slides | Access Modifiers for types
- Text | Slides | Attributes
- Text | Slides | Reflection
- Text | Slides | Reflection Example
- Text | Slides | Late binding using reflection
- Text | Slides | Generics
- Text | Slides | Reason to override ToString() method
- Text | Slides | Reason to override Equals() method
- Text | Slides | Difference between Convert.ToString() and ToString() method
- Text | Slides | Difference between string and stringbuilder
- Text | Slides | Partial classes in C#
- Text | Slides | Creating partial classes in C#
- Text | Slides | Partial methods in c# - Part 63
- Text | Slides | How and where are indexers used in .net
- Text | Slides | Indexers in c#
- Text | Slides | Overloading indexers
- Text | Slides | Optional parameters
- Text | Slides | Making method parameters optional using method overloading
- Text | Slides | Making method parameters optional by specifying parameter defaults
- Text | Slides | Making method parameters optional by using OptionalAttribute
- Text | Slides | Code snippets in visual studio
- Text | Slides | What is dictionary in c#
- Text | Slides | What is dictionary in c# continued
- Text | Slides | List collection class in c#
- Text | Slides | List collection class in c# continued
- Text | Slides | Working with generic list class and ranges in c#
- Text | Slides | Sort a list of simple types in c#
- Text | Slides | Sort a list of complex types in c#
- Text | Slides | Sort a list of complex types using Comparison delegate
- Text | Slides | Some useful methods of List collection class
- Text | Slides | When to use a dictionary over list in c#
- Text | Slides | Generic queue collection class
- Text | Slides | Generic stack collection class
- Text | Slides | Real time example of queue collection class in c#
- Text | Slides | Real time example of stack collection class in c#
- Text | Slides | Multithreading in C#
- Text | Slides | Advantages and disadvantages of multithreading
- Text | Slides | ThreadStart delegate
- Text | Slides | ParameterizedThreadStart delegate
- Text | Slides | Passing data to the Thread function in a type safe manner
- Text | Slides | Retrieving data from Thread function using callback method
- Text | Slides | Significance of Thread.Join and Thread.IsAlive functions
- Text | Slides | Protecting shared resources from concurrent access in multithreading
- Text | Slides | Difference between Monitor and lock in C#
- Text | Slides | Deadlock in a multithreaded program
- Text | Slides | How to resolve a deadlock in a multithreaded program
- Text | Slides | Performance of a multithreaded program
- Text | Slides | Anonymous methods in c#
- Text | Slides | Lambda expression in c#
- Text | Slides | Func delegate in c#
- Text | Slides | Async and await in c#
- Text | Slides | How to wait for a thread to finish without blocking