Entity Framework Tutorial

Entity framework tutorial

Entity framework tutorial - Click here to watch on YouTube

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  1. Text | Slides | What is Entity Framework
  2. Text | Slides | Entity Framework Model First Approach
  3. Text | Slides | Entity Framework Code First Approach
  4. Text | Slides | Customizing table, column and foreign key column names when using entity framework code first approach
  5. Text | Slides | How to handle model changes in entity framework
  6. Text | Slides | How to seed database with test data using entity framework
  7. Text | Slides | Using stored procedures with entity framework
  8. Text | Slides | Using stored procedures with entity frameowrk code first approach
  9. Text | Slides | Overriding stored procedure defaults with entity framework code first approach
  10. Text | Slides | Entity splitting in entity framework
  11. Text | Slides | Entity splitting in entity framework with code first approach
  12. Text | Slides | Table splitting in entity framework
  13. Text | Slides | Table splitting in entity framework with code first approach
  14. Text | Slides | Conditional Mapping in entity framework
  15. Text | Slides | Conditional Mapping in entity framework with code first
  16. Text | Slides | Self referencing association in entity framework
  17. Text | Slides | Self referencing association in entity framework wth code first
  18. Text | Slides | Table Per Hierarchy (TPH) inheritance in entity framework
  19. Text | Slides | Table Per Hierarchy (TPH) inheritance in entity framework with code first
  20. Text | Slides | Table Per Type (TPT) inheritance in entity framework
  21. Text | Slides | Table Per Type (TPT) inheritance in entity framework code first
  22. Text | Slides | Many to many relationship in entity framework
  23. Text | Slides | Many to many relationship in entity framework code first
  24. Text | Slides | Entity for BridgeTable in many to many relationship
  25. Text | Slides | Entity for BridgeTable in many to many relationship code first

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Software Architect, Trainer, Author and Speaker in Pragim Technologies.

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