Getting started with MongoDB database

In this MongoDB tutorial for beginners course we will discuss everything you need to know to get strated with MongoDB, a cross-platform non-relational database.
Part 1 - Relational and non relational databases | Notes & slides
In Part 1 we will compare relational and non-relational databases i.e SQL and NoSQL databases. In a relational database like SQL Server or Oracle, a database is collection of tables i.e it contains one or more tables and it is these tables that store data. Simply put, a relational database is a collection of one or more tables. In a NoSQL database like MongoDB for example, we do not have tables, instead we have Collections and Documents. A collection, as the name implies is a collection of one or more documents. If you are from a relational database background, you can think of a collection as a table and documents as table rows.
Part 2 - Getting started with MongoDB database | Notes & slides
In Part 2 we will discuss how to easily get started with MongoDB using MongoDB Atlas which is a fully managed cloud database on AWS, Azure, or GCP (Google Cloud Platform). Navigate to and click on the Try Free button. Use the free shared option to learn and explore MongoDB in a cloud environment. With the free option we get 512 MB of storage space.
Part 3 - ASP.NET Core 6 REST API tutorial with MongoDB Database | Notes & slides
In this last and final part of the video series we will discuss how to build a RESTful Web API using ASP.NET Core 6, Visual Studio 2022 and MongoDB database. We will build student management API from scratch. Along the way you will understand creating Models using data from MongoDB database. It's a complete Web API that explains how to perform all the CRUD operations i.e Create, Read, Update and Delete against the MongoDB database.