Learn cloud computing from scratch

We provide online instructor led azure training from basics to advanced concepts. To enroll, please call us +91 99456 99393 or email pragim@gmail.com. Click here for the complete azure training course content.
- Cloud computing course introduction | Text & Slides
- The State of IT before Virtual Machines | Text & Slides
- What is a virtual machine and why is it useful | Text & Slides
- What are containers and how are they different from virtual machines | Text & Slides
- Benefits of cloud computing | Text & Slides
- Risks of cloud computing | Text & Slides
- What is a public cloud. Benefits, limitations and use cases | Text & Slides
- What is a private cloud. Benefits, Benefits, limitations and use cases | Text & Slides
- What is a hybrid cloud. Benefits, limitations and use cases | Text & Slides
- Private vs Public vs Hybrid cloud | Text & Slides
- What is IaaS in Cloud Computing | Text & Slides
- What is PaaS in cloud computing | Text & Slides
- What is SaaS in cloud computing | Text & Slides
- Cloud computing course wrap up | Text & Slides