SAP WM Course Contents
Introduction to inventory management and warehouse management
- 1. Warehouse management overview in SAP R/3
- 2. Inventory management overview in SAP R/3
- 3. Goods Movements in IM
- 4. Organization Data
- 5. Warehouse Structure
Organization data / define warehouse organization structure
- 1. Warehouse number
- 2. Storage types( physical storage types/Interim Storage types)
- 3. Storage section
- 4. Storage Bin
- 5. Storage Bin Structure
- 6. Storage Bin Types
- 7. Picking Area
- 8. Storage unit
- 9. Quant etc...
Master Data
- 1. Material Master
- 2. Storage Bin
Transfer Requirement
- 1. Number Range for TR
- 2. Create Transfer requirement Manually
- 3. Create Transfer requirement Automatically
- 4. Settings for Automatic TR Creation
- 5. Convert TR to TO
Posting Change Notice
- 1. Number Range for PCN
- 2. Create Posting change Notice Manually
Transfer Order
- 1. Number Range for TO
- 2. Create Transfer Order Manually
- 3. Create TO w.r.t Transfer Requirement
- 4. Create TO w.r.t Posting change notice no
- 5. Create TO w.r.t Material document
- 6. Confirm the Transfer Order
- 7. Cancel the Transfer Order
- 8. Delete TO
- 9. Block and Unblock Storage Bins, Quants, Storage Types
- 10. Print TO
Put Away Strategies
- 1. Next to empty bin
- 2. Addition to existing bin
- 3. Open Storage
- 4. Fixed bin strategy
- 5. Storage unit number
Picking Strategies
- 1. Shelf life expired -SLED
- 2. FIFO
- 3. Stringent FIFO
- 4. LIFO
Dynamic Search Sequence
- 1. Storage type search
- 2. Storage section search
- 3. Storage bin type search
Warehouse Management Business Scenario's
- 1. MM Flow with Interface with WM
- 2. Material Documents Processing in WM
- 3. GR and GI with WM
- 4. Transfer Posting in WM
- a. Plant to Plant
- b. Sloc to Sloc
- c. Stock TO Stock
- 1. Goods receipt Process
- 2. Goods issue process/Goods reversal Process
- 3. Vendor returns
- 4. Physical inventory
- 5. Posting Changes
- 6. SD